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SKU: 07307
Brand: N/A
Temporary tattoos in the shape of bloody bullet holes, an ideal horror trick to complete Halloween disguises or for gruesome jokes.
SKU: 09393
Brand: N/A
Bloody scars tattoos for realistic and easy to apply horror make up.
SKU: 07308
Brand: N/A
Temporary tattoos in the shape of bloody scars, an ideal horror trick to complete Halloween disguises or for gruesome jokes.
SKU: 07306
Brand: N/A
Temporary tattoos in the shape of bloody scars, an ideal horror trick to complete Halloween disguises or for gruesome jokes.
SKU: 07356
Brand: N/A
Temporary tattoos to turn your face into a Mexican skull, a perfect makeup to celebrate Halloween or el Dia de los muertos.
SKU: 07346
Brand: N/A
Temporary tattoos to turn your face into a Mexican skull, a perfect makeup to celebrate Halloween or el Dia de los muertos.


