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SKU: 82100
Brand: N/A
Chenille and sequin angel dress with headband, one size M/L.
SKU: 83605
Brand: N/A
Striped stretchy lycra bodysuit .
SKU: 27816
Brand: N/A
Baldassarre costume for kid, one of the three wise men, with fabric decorated dress and hat.
SKU: 82113
Brand: N/A
Fool costume with stretchy tunic, hood and belt, one size M/L.
SKU: 83676
Brand: N/A
Bee costume with satin and veil dress, wings and headband, one size M/L.
SKU: 82140
Brand: N/A
Crazy bloody costume composed of fabric decorated dress, in one size S-M. Disguise suitable for horror and Halloween parties.
SKU: 82128
Brand: N/A
Archer costume with stretch dress with velvet cape and belt, one size S/M/L.
SKU: 29005
Brand: N/A
Black satin cape with golden decorations and white collar, length cm.11 . To become the worst witch of Disney, the evil Grimilde.
SKU: 83033
Brand: N/A
Boxer man costume with satin gown and shorts, gloves, one size M/L.
SKU: 80009
Brand: N/A
Waitress costume with fabric dress, veil underskirt and headepiece .
SKU: 68732
Brand: N/A
Witch costume for kid with stretch fabric dress with satin and veil, headband with mini hat .
SKU: 68852
Brand: N/A
Multicolor skeleton costume for kid with stretchy fabric dress, tutu, tights and sleeves, one size VI/VIII.
SKU: 68000
Brand: N/A
Spanish costume for kid with jersey dress with fantasy cotton flounces and headpiece .
SKU: 83434
Brand: N/A
Charleston costume with fringed stretchy dress and feather headpiece, one size M/L.
SKU: 68140
Brand: N/A
Chef costume for kid with jacket and hat, one size IV-VI.
SKU: 22927
Brand: N/A
Cape with hood for kid. Length cm.50. Disguise based on the character of the action video game Brawl Stars.
SKU: 61207
Brand: N/A
Costume in panno da ape a righe gialle e nere con ali, colletto nero e cappello con antenne. Ideale per un travestimento di Carnevale, saggi di danza e rappresentazioni teatrali. Taglia unica bambino (IV - VI)
SKU: 61210
Brand: N/A
Costume in panno da clown multicolore: rosso, giallo, blu, con cappello a punta. Ideale per un travestimento di Carnevale, feste a tema, saggi di danza e rappresentazioni teatrali. Taglia unica bimbo veste dalla IV alla VI.
SKU: 83070
Brand: N/A
Costume da corsara per donna. Composto da camicia bianca con gilet marroncino, pantaloni neri, cintura rossa, copristivali e cappello marroni. Taglia unica che veste S-M. Vestito da corsara ideale per feste di Carnevale.
SKU: 82148
Brand: N/A
Costume da demone per uomo. Composto da casacca e pantaloni con coda in tessuto metà nero e metà rosso. Ideale per un travestimento di Halloween. Taglia unica M. Forcone e maschera esclusi.

Kostüme, Kleider, Verkleidungen: Wir haben etwas für jedes Alter und für jeden Geschmack! Karnevalskostüme, Halloweenkleider, Verkleidungen und Kleidungsstücke für ein wirklich einzigartiges Maskenfest. Entdecken Sie das breitgefächerte Sortiment an Kostümen für Kinder und Erwachsene

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