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SKU: 04329
Brand: N/A
Set of 3 rolls of white paper streamers, perfect item to celebrate various occasions. Each set is made up of 9 rolls approximately 14 mm wide, approx. 4 meters long.
SKU: 04507
Brand: N/A
3 wrapped, two-side printed streamers, 9 rolls, mm.14, mt.4, in 5 assorted models. To make your Carnival more colorful and cheerful.
SKU: 04533
Brand: N/A
3 metallized gold wrapped streamers, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04535
Brand: N/A
3 metallized red wrapped streamers, 18 rolls, mm.7, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04352
Brand: N/A
Pallbox containing 150 packages of 3 standard streamers in FSC certified paper in 100% recyclable plastic packaging since it is obtained from vegetable raw materials to reduce the environmental impact.
SKU: 04541
Brand: N/A
4 wrapped metallized streamers, 9 rolls, mm.14, mt.4. Ideal for Carnival and New Year's parties.
SKU: 04355
Brand: N/A
Pallbox containing 150 packets of 3 mixed streamers in FSC certified paper in 100% recyclable plastic packaging since it is obtained from vegetable raw materials to reduce the environmental impact.
SKU: 04351
Brand: N/A
Pallbox containing pcs. 160 of confetti in FSC certified paper, from gr. 300 / each. in biodegradable and compostable bag.

Des confettis et des serpentins colorés, entièrement fabriqués dans nos sites de production, sont le symbole même du Carnaval. Ils sont aussi disponibles en papier certifié FSC®, ainsi que dans des emballages durables, biodégradables et compostables. De plus, Carnival Toys fabrique des productions spéciales sur commande, avec un emballage personnalisé.

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