Contes de fées et Fiction

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SKU: 04478
Brand: N/A
6 paper black knight headpieces, perfect as gadgets for Birthday and Carnival parties or just to play for so many little superheroes.
SKU: 04479
Brand: N/A
6 paper cow boy headpieces, perfect as gadgets at Birthday and Carnival parties or just to play for so many little gunslinger of the Far West.
SKU: 05474
Brand: N/A
Snowman pile hat with carrot nose, useful accessory to perfect your Carnival disguise, to play Olaf or even simply to cover your head with a touch of irony!
SKU: 03927
Brand: N/A
Cone hat in light blue paper with silver decorations and fringes for all the children who believe in the magic of fairies.


